Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Worst Savings Mistakes You're Making

Many Americans have been making terrible savings mistakes, according to the Federal Reserve's newly released Survey of Consumer Finances for 2010.

The savings mistakes range from directly buying company stock to not saving for retirement.

Here are the worst savings mistakes that you may be making:

You don't have a savings account. Just 51 percent of American families have a savings account, according to the Fed's survey. Having a savings account is critical for being able to save over the long term.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

How To Start Couponing

I will give you six tips on how to get started.

How To Start Couponing
Step one: You will need a nice pair of scissors. Nothing makes me more upset than a dull pair of scissors; can you imagine trying to clip your coupons with a dull pair of scissors? The worst mistake ever is clipping the barcode. Ugh, Arghhhh!!!! %#*!%%#@. It's a small tip with a big impact.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

How to save money? Tip #9: Think about shopping and buying in bulk

How to save money? Tip #9: Think about shopping and buying in bulk

Save money you spend on food by planning meals in advance and bulk-buying.

Always purchase generics when you can, because prepared food will always be much more expensive than the generic ingredients needed to make it. Preparing food in bulk and in advance also gives you the opportunity to plan ahead and be more accurate in your budget.

However, when buying in bulk be sure that any product you buy will get used before it goes bad - you won't save money if you have to throw stuff away.
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How to save money? Tip #8: Ditch the posh shops...

How to save money? Tip #8: Ditch the posh shops...

Ditch the posh shops and let the retail markets become your new friends.

Or shop the discount racks at clothing stores. Items on clearance are marked down considerably and could save you 50% of the price.
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Sunday, April 1, 2012

How to save money? Tip #7: Try to stop using credit cards

How to save money? Tip #7: Try to stop using credit cards

Try to stop using credit cards.

They are quite dangerous when you want to start saving up money, because you don't know exactly how much is in there. Therefore, it is easier to overspend.

If you have cash, you can see your cash supply running low as the money is leaving your wallet. If you are not able to eliminate the use of credit cards completely, try to restrict it as much as you can.
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